The Type of Business Entity

The tax treatment of an organization varies significantly based upon the type of business entity. Corporations are often highly political, particularly during a presidential election year. As discussed during this section, one significant factor affecting federal tax law is politics. Follow a media outlet, government official, or accounting professional on Twitter (or other social media outlet) and read their perspective on how politics have impacted corporate taxes or believes will impact them in the future. Then, prepare an email message addressed to your professor, which contains responses to the following: • Identify the social media outlet used to gather the information. • Include the name of the media outlet or individual that you followed. • Summarize the subject(s) that were covered. • Determine and explain the perspective that the media outlet/individual took on this subject. • Explain why you choose to follow this media outlet/individual. • Indicate whether you agreed with this analysis, and then explain why. • Be sure to include references at the bottom of the email. Email your message to your professor as well as submit it within your student portal for grading purposes. Support your assignment with a minimum of four external resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Length: 4 pages, not including title and reference pages Links to articles that might be helpful for this assignment: —- —- —-  —- REPORT TO THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS ON PRESENT LAW AND SUGGESTIONS FOR REFORM SUBMITTED TO THE TAX REFORM WORKING GROUPS (Attached in PDF) read pages 10-15 Titled: “Corporate Income Tax” and “Estate, Gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer Taxes” This assignment must demonstrate the following:  —- Selected a social media outlet to follow a media source or individual on a related topic. Explain selection. —– Summarized finding (source’s perspective) and indicated if in agreement, supported by resources. —– Add subtitles along with checking proper grammar and spelling.

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