The University of Arizona Global Campus What Do You Want to Change Paper

The University of Arizona Global Campus What Do You Want to Change Paper

What Do You Want to Change Paper

What Do You Want to Change?

Choose a community organization for which you will write a community change plan as the summative project (final paper) for the course. Examine documents related to the organization available from its website, media sites, and evaluation agencies.


In a 1400- to 2100-word paper exclusive of front and back matter, summarize the organization, its mission and programs, its makeup (organization and demographics), and its methods (strategies and theory of change). Evaluate the role of ethics and diversity.


This assignment is worth 10 points of the total course grade.

This assignment aligns with the following weekly outcomes: 1, 2.

This assignment aligns with the following course outcomes: 1, 3, 5.


Required Text

Homan, M. S. (2016). Promoting community change: Making it happen in the real world. (6th ed.). Retrieved from

Chapter 1. Understanding the Challenge of Change

Chapter 2. Theoretical Frameworks for Community Change

Chapter 3. Relating Community Change to Professional Practice

Required References

Anti-Defamation League. (n.d.). Imagine a world without hate [Video file]. Retrieved from A look at how the world would be without hate and more caring of others..

Price-Wise, G. (2009). Cultural competence: Managing your prejudices [Video file]. Retrieved from A video to help assess your cultural biases before working in the field..

ymcavan. (2010). Where did community go? [Video file]. Retrieved from A look at how we lost community in our culture and how we could get it back.

Recommended References

Habitat for Humanity. (2012). Advocacy in action [Video file], Retrieved from How advocacy can look once in action in a diverse community.

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