The University of Milan the Cartesian Circle Questions

The University of Milan the Cartesian Circle Questions


The University of Milan the Cartesian Circle Questions




You will answer the two questions below this week. Essentially, you are to reflect and answer the questions in as much depth as you possibly can. Aim for 200-300 words for each answer.

1. Briefly explain Descartes’ argument for the existence of God in the third meditation in your own words. Do you find it convincing? Why or why not?

2. One famous objection to Descartes’ argument for the existence God, has come to be called “The Cartesian Circle”. The problem is as follows: If the reliability of my ideas (even clear and distinct ones) first depends on the existence of God, how can I establish the existence of God in the first place? Put another way, I cannot trust my intellect unless there is a God who is not a deceiver, but until I can prove that, I can’t trust my intellect and can’t trust what I supposedly have proven.

Is there a way to defend Descartes here? If there is, explain it. If not, explain why the charge of circularity can’t be overcome.

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