They must be related to American women’s rights; be historically accurate.

Your meme should include an historic photo of a significant person or place, with a quote from that person or related to that place, related to that section of the class.  They should all relate to issues we have read and discussed. 

Include the source and attributable date of the quote and photo (url where found) when the meme is submitted; and use correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence construction. 

Section One Meme should be from between the 1840s-1890 (no later than that).

Instructions for this assignment:

Meme Assignment:

You will submit to the class a meme, such as you see on Facebook or other social media.  Each meme will be related to that section of the course, with an historic photo of a significant person or place, include a quote from that person or related to that place. 

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