This is my homework, which is attached below. And here is the.

This is my homework, which is attached below. And here is the.

This is my homework, which is attached below. And here is the.

This is my homework, which is attached below. And here is the question.

On this scenario, DID THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE HAVE JUST CAUSE TO SUSPEND ANN MARIE SWENSON FOR TWENTY (20) DAYS?  IF NOT, WHAT SHALL BE THE REMEDY? By using the principles of just cause, decide whether to uphold the twenty day suspension, or, decide on an alternative discipline (lower suspension, written warning), or no discipline.

Also, you must provide one (1) human resources recommendation to the School Committee that would improve their policies or practices, as described in the transcript, that will help them avoid this situation in the future.  Even if you decide that the School Committee acted appropriately, and the twenty day suspension was just, there may still be areas to improve from a human resources management standpoint.

Looking forward to your supporting! Thank you!

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