This Project requires you to identify defendants, possible crimes.

This Project requires you to identify defendants, possible crimes.

This Project requires you to identify defendants, possible crimes.

This Project requires you to identify defendants, possible crimes

and defenses using the facts set out in the attachment below. For 5 possible crimes you must identify the defendant and the crime; then cite to the applicable state statute; the facts that support that the crime was committed; a defense that will likely be raised by the defendant (including the elements of that defense); support the applicability of the defense with facts from the case. You should review the materials from classes 1, 2, 3. You will be using Arizona statutes for this assignment. The Arizona Criminal Code can be accessed at This link will direct you to the home page of the Cornell University Law School Legal Information Institute. Access Legal Resources (should be in the middle of the page) and follow the link for “State Statutes by Topic”. Locate the Criminal Code which will bring a drop down for access by state. Follow Arizona’s link. Once there you will need to indicate “I Agree’ to access the material. For each crime you identify please provide the citation and the entire statute.
Use the following format for your responses to this project.
Crime 1

Possible Crime:
Cite to the Applicable State Criminal Statute:
Facts that Support the Possible Crime:
Possible defense (name and elements):
Facts that Support the Possible Defense:
Crime 2

Possible Crime:
Cite to the Applicable State Criminal Statute:
Facts that Support the Possible Crime:
Possible defense (name and elements):
Facts that Support the Possible Defense:
Crime 3

Possible Crime:
Cite to the Applicable State Criminal Statute:
Facts that Support the Possible Crime:
Possible defense (name and elements):
Facts that Support the Possible Defense:
Crime 4

Possible Crime:
Cite to the Applicable State Criminal Statute:
Facts that Support the Possible Crime:
Possible defense (name and elements):
Facts that Support the Possible Defense:
Crime 5

Possible Crime:
Cite to the Applicable State Criminal Statute:
Facts that Support the Possible Crime:
Possible defense (name and elements):
Facts that Support the Possible Defense:

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