Throughout the course, you’ll use the map below to engage important population health concepts. Click on each hot spot to learn more about the population in that area.

Throughout the course, you’ll use the map below to engage important population health concepts. Click on each hot spot to learn more about the population in that area.This week, you discovered that the focus of healthcare has a growing emphasis on population health. Emphasis on quality improvement and tracking outcomes has led to exploring “why?” Why do some patients have trouble controlling their diabetes? Why do so some pediatric diabetic patients show up in the emergency department with an uncontrolled episode? These questions have led the DNP scholar and other healthcare providers to consider the social determinants of health. This query also requires that consideration be given to “how?” How do healthcare providers improve outcomes for a given population? Explore these questions as they relate to the populations represented on the interactive map below.Select one of the populations on the map and address the following:·  Create a culturagram for your selected population. Refer to Week 1, Explore page 2, for guidance in creating a culturagram. You may use the attached template, if you desire.·  Conduct a search for evidence. Identify one evidence-based intervention to reduce health disparities in the selected population.·  Consider how the selected intervention addresses at least one of the CLAS standards.Share your professional experience related to the topic.Culturagram Template LinkHialeah, Florida (population map)o  Culture of interest – Hispanic/Latinoo  Population – 224,669o  Individuals diagnosed with heart disease prior to the study year – 1513o  age 30 – 40o  age 35 – 63o  age 40 – 143o  age 45 – 189o  age 50 – 203o  age 55 – 225o  age 60 – 299o  age 65 – 351o  Individuals newly diagnosed with heart disease in the study year – 409o  Age 30 – 3o  Age 40 – 12o  Age 50 – 41o  Age 55 – 82o  Age 60 – 97o  Age 65 – 174o  Individuals who died of heart disease in the study year – 531o  Age 50 – 86o  Age 55 – 105o  Age 60 – 130o  Age 65 – 210o  Average years of life expectancy reduction due to heart disease – 10

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