TV Gadgetry Case Assignment

  • All assignments need be solved in the excel template file provided (formulas in the Excel cells)  and uploaded to this dropbox.
  • Data from the assignments may not be the same as the text book.
  • You will need to use the data from the template.


September August
Customer Order Processed 50,000 40,000
Units Ordered 300,000 200,000
Units Shipped 287,333 192,507
Correct Units Shipped 247,385 188,263
Correct Customer Invoices 46,310 39,124
Orders Ready by Deadline 49,188 38,791
Total Labor Hour (units/hr) 2,000 1,500


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Fulfillment Accuracy
Document Accuracy
On-Time Dispatch
Productivity (Units/hr.)


Month POI Comments

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