TV Gadgetry Case Assignment
- All assignments need be solved in the excel template file provided (formulas in the Excel cells) and uploaded to this dropbox.
- Data from the assignments may not be the same as the text book.
- You will need to use the data from the template.
September | August | |
Customer Order Processed | 50,000 | 40,000 |
Units Ordered | 300,000 | 200,000 |
Units Shipped | 287,333 | 192,507 |
Correct Units Shipped | 247,385 | 188,263 |
Correct Customer Invoices | 46,310 | 39,124 |
Orders Ready by Deadline | 49,188 | 38,791 |
Total Labor Hour (units/hr) | 2,000 | 1,500 |
Metric | September | August |
Unit Fill Rate | ||
Fulfillment Accuracy | ||
Document Accuracy | ||
On-Time Dispatch | ||
Productivity Units/hr.) |
Metric | Goal | September | August | Comments |
Unit Fill Rate | ||||
Fulfillment Accuracy | ||||
Document Accuracy | ||||
On-Time Dispatch | ||||
Productivity (Units/hr.) |
Month | POI | Comments |
September | ||
August |
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