UCL The Transmission of Knowledge in African American Music Paper

UCL The Transmission of Knowledge in African American

Working towards the assignment: Review Working towards the assignment: Review Working towards the assignment: Key words Review • …focus on any aspect… • …discuss the ques2on…(I am not asking you to answer the ques2on) • …philosophical challenges… • …review and evaluate… • Can music be assessed: Assessment of GCSE musical performance in the UK from a philosophical perspec2ve • What is musical knowledge? A discussion of musical knowledge and philosophical perspec2ves in the Kodaly method Working towards the assignment: Review • Can composi2on be assessed or taught? Assessing and teaching music composi2on within the context of the GCSE A Level music examina2on in Singapore • Can music be assessed: How is music being assessed in a UK conservatoire seKng? • What is musical knowledge? An explora2on of how musical knowledge and musical learning have been conceptualised and/or opera2onalised within the Cypriot Na2onal Curriculum • What gives music its meaning? In the context of one to one instrumental lessons with Key Stage 2 pupils • Can music be assessed: Is a summa2ve grade an effec2ve feedback for high school music students? • What gives music its meaning?: Exploring musical meaning in a kindergarten classroom and its implica2ons for teaching and learning • What is musical knowledge? An explora2on of how musical knowledge and learning have been conceptualised within 1:1 piano lessons with beginner students in the United Kingdom • Each week we will focus on a different aspect of the assignment • Most of you should begin to work on your draft before the module finishes Timeline: Review • During the session in Week 10, you will need to be ready to share • Your choice of question • Your reason for choosing this question • Your key arguments that you want to include • The key authors that you think are important • Completing the suggested framework should support you with this • Each of you will present (using PowerPoint or something similar) your progress to a small group. As a small group you will discuss any problems or issues that you are struggling with, or new ideas that you can offer to the group • Draft submission 25th March 2021 • Formative feedback received by 22nd April 2021 (4 weeks from submission) • Final submission by 17:00 (UK) 29th April 2021 Working from the question to a structure (1) Focussing on any aspect of music education in any country, discuss one of the following questions in relation to the philosophical challenges that it presents to music educators. In your discussion, review and evaluate the philosophical writings of musicians and educators, as well as literature from the fields of philosophy and aesthetics, and the wider area of arts education. What is musical knowledge ? Title: What is Musical Knowledge? The Transmission of Knowledge in Irish Traditional Music Focus: The transmission and assessment of knowledge in Irish Traditional Music Assignment plan • Introduction, aims and definition of scope • Contexts where transmission takes place: Informal settings (community/sessions) (Author, Date; Author, Date) and formal settings: schools/universities (Author, Date; Author, Date; Author, Date). • Types of knowledge: Propositional: Knowledge about (Author, Date; Author, Date, Author, Date) and Procedural: Knowledge how (Author, Date; Author, Date). Other knowledge types (Author, Date; Author, Date). • Ornamentation (Author, Date; Author, Date). • Regional Style (Author, Date). • Arrangement (Author, Date; Author, Date, Author, Date). • Technique (Author, Date; Author, Date; Author, Date; Author, Date). • Cultural/relating to identity: ‘inherited knowledge’. Knowledge acquired through experience of playing or listening (Author, Date; Author, Date). • Assessment of knowledge types: Fleadh Cheoil competition , Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann : procedural (Author, Date; Author, Date, Author, Date). Junior and Leaving Certificate: procedural and propositional (Author, Date; Author, Date). • Conclusion and implications for teachers and learners Working from the ques1on to a structure (2) Focussing on any aspect of music educa0on in any country, discuss one of the following ques2ons in rela2on to the philosophical challenges that it presents to music educators. In your discussion, review and evaluate the philosophical wri0ngs of musicians and educators, as well as literature from the fields of philosophy and aesthe0cs, and the wider area of arts educa0on. Can music be assessed? Title: Can music be assessed? Exploring summa0ve assessment as an effec0ve means of assessment for high school music students in China Focus: Why is summa2ve assessment used, how is summa2ve assessment used and what part can it play in the musical development of learners. What are the possible alternate approaches? Iden2fying the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches and sugges2ng amended ways of working for the future. Assignment plan • Introduc0on, scope and context: Grading/assessment (Author, Date; Author, Date; Author, Date). Emphasis on exam-orientated educa2on (Author, Date; Author, Date; Author, Date; Author, Date) Summa2ve assessment (Author, Date; Author, Date), expecta2ons and tradi2ons • Understanding summa0ve assessment: Does summa2ve assessment enable us to understand student’s musical abili2es? (Author, Date; Author, Date; Author, Date) Issues arising from a broad range of musical skills/competencies and a single method of assessment. (Author, Date; Author, Date) What is it to be musical? (Author, Date; Author, Date; Author, Date; Author, Date). What do we value and what can we measure? (Author, Date; Author, Date). The limita2ons of grades, percentages and category labels (Author, Date; Author, Date). Different models of knowledge and the links to assessment approaches (Author, Date; Author, Date). • Understanding who assesses: Who should act as the assessor? (Author, Date; Author, Date). Who gets to judge? (Author, Date; Author, Date). Professional development of teachers. (Author, Date; Author, Date; Author, Date). Growing recogni2on that students should be involved in the assessment process. Selfreflec2on and self-assessment (Author, Date; Author, Date, Author, Date). Considering forma2ve assessment (Author, Date; Author, Date). • Conclusion and implica0ons for teachers and learners: Summa2ve feedback or forma2ve feedback. Striking the balance. Working from the ques1on to a structure (3) Focussing on any aspect of music educa0on in any country, discuss one of the following ques2ons in rela2on to the philosophical challenges that it presents to music educators. In your discussion, review and evaluate the philosophical wri0ngs of musicians and educators, as well as literature from the fields of philosophy and aesthe0cs, and the wider area of arts educa0on. Iden2fy which of the ques2ons you would like to address. Title: Write the 2tle of your assignment here. Make is focused and descrip2ve. Include the key ques2on of the assignment. Focus: Write the focus of your work here. This will help you to understand the key drive of your argument as well as reminding you what you don’t have the word count to consider for this assignment. If I asked you to summarise your assignment in a sentence or two, what would you write? Write it here. Assignment plan • Introduc0on, scope, defini0ons, aims and/or context: What is important to your essay? Outline which of these aspects you need to include. • Argument/evidence 1: Each paragraph will need a framing statement to begin (so that the reader knows what you are arguing). Then you will need to lay out your argument using the literature to support your argument. Make sure that in every paragraph you demonstrate a cri2cal engagement with the literature. Don’t just describe what you have read. Don’t just accept everything as ‘truth’. If you can, make links across arguments. Include all of the key authors that you will use in this sec2on (and add the details of the texts to a reference list).

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