UIC Chinese Culture Taoist State of Mind Questions

UIC Chinese Culture Taoist State of Mind Questions

This week we continue journaling but each day we will attempt consider things from a Taoist perspective.


You should have at least five dated entries that execute the assignments described below.

Day 1: Explain what you think is meant by Tao in at least 50 words.

Day 2: Write a haiku poem that discusses or illustrates a Taoist theme. (In a haiku, there are 17 syllables total. The first line has 5 syllables, the second has 7, the third line has 5).

Day 3: Make a drawing or a watercolor painting in a Taoist state of mind or that reflects a Taoist theme. (Include a picture of this with your document. You should be able to take a picture of it, copy it, and paste it in your document).

Day 4: Explain the following quotation in at least 50 words:

“The further one goes

The less one knows.

Therefore the sage knows without having to stir,

Identifies without having to see,

Accomplishes without having to act.”

Day 5: Write a very brief dialogue (50-100 words) between Socrates and Lao Tzu. The conversation is about how much human beings can know and how they should act with regard to that

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