Unit 3 Assignment – Marketing U.S. Products Abroad

In this assignment, you will explore the international marketing of a U.S. restaurant.  You will explain how the company addressed the sociocultural, political, legal, and ethical challenges in any of the countries in which it operates.

See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric.  Submit your completed assignment to the above submission link by 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 3.

  • Marketing U.S. Products Abroad Due Date: Sunday of Unit 3 Total Points: 100 Overview: In this assignment, you will explore the international marketing of a U.S. restaurant. You will explain how the company addressed the socioculture, political, legal, and ethical challenges in any of the countries in which it operates. Instructions:

     Choose a favorite restaurant that operates internationally. McDonald’s, Subway,

    Dunkin’ Donuts, Kentucky Fried Chicken, IHOP, or Applebee’s all operate in

    multiple countries or you can choose a different restaurant that you know

    operates outside of the U.S.

     Referencing any non-U.S. country in which the company operates, explain the

    challenges that the company faced in the areas below. For example, if you chose

    McDonald’s, you can address sociocultural challenges they faced in India and

    political challenges they faced in Russia; the countries can be different while the

    company remains the same.

    o Socioculture

     Regional tastes affecting the menu. Include a link or image of the menu

    reflecting how the company addressed the local tastes of the region.

     Cultural etiquette, customs, and protocols

    o Political

     Local, regional, or national political considerations

    o Legal

     Laws or legal customs different from those in the U.S.

    o Ethical

     Environmental issues

     Safety standards

     Workplace conditions and policies

    LSC105 – Elements of Organization

    Unit 3 Assignment




     APA format using the template you created in CIS112.

    o Times New Roman, 12 pt font

    o Double-spaced

    o Normal margins

     500-750 word count, excluding the title and reference pages.

     Include at least 2 references used to find the information.

     For each reference on your references page, provide the following:

    o Author

    o Title

    o URL

    For example:

    Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Online Periodical, volume number(issue number if available).

    Retrieved from http://www.someaddress.com/full/url/

    Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.



    Evaluation Rubric for Marketing U.S. Products Abroad

    CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement

    Proficient Exemplary

    0 points 0 points 8 points 10 points

    International Restaurant

    n/a n/a Restaurant chosen operates one foreign country.

    Restaurant chosen operates in multiple foreign countries.

    0 – 8 points 9 – 11 points 12 – 14 points 15 points

    Socioculture Challenge

    Socioculture challenge explanation missing or inadequate.

    Socioculture challenge explained demonstrating sufficient understanding of the challenge; missing a major detail.

    Socioculture challenge explained demonstrating sufficient understanding of the challenge; missing some minor detail.

    Socioculture challenge explained demonstrating insightful understanding of the challenge.

    Political Challenge

    Political challenge explanation missing or inadequate.

    Political challenge explained demonstrating sufficient understanding of the challenge; missing a major detail.

    Political challenge explained demonstrating sufficient understanding of the challenge; missing some minor detail.

    Political challenge explained demonstrating insightful understanding of the challenge.

    Legal Challenge

    Legal challenge explanation missing or inadequate.

    Legal challenge explained demonstrating sufficient understanding of the challenge; missing a major detail.

    Legal challenge explained demonstrating sufficient understanding of the challenge; missing some minor detail.

    Legal challenge explained demonstrating insightful understanding of the challenge.



    Ethical Challenge

    Ethical challenge explanation missing or inadequate.

    Ethical challenge explained demonstrating sufficient understanding of the challenge; missing a major detail.

    Ethical challenge explained demonstrating sufficient understanding of the challenge; missing some minor detail.

    Ethical challenge explained demonstrating insightful understanding of the challenge.

    0-5 points 6-7 points 8 points 10 points

    Resources No resources 1 resource 2 resources More than 2 resources

    Word Count Less than 250 or more than 750

    250-499 500-699 700-750

    Clear and Professional Writing and APA Format

    Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.

    Significant errors that do not impede professional presentation.

    Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.

    Writing and format is clear, professional, APA compliant, and error free.

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