Unit 9 – Powerpoint

For this assignment, you are working as a paralegal for the attorney that represents one of the families in the Arkansas Bus Collision Case. You should first review the NTSB Report. For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation using the images and relevant facts from the NTSB Report. Images from figures are found in a separate folder.


Date: Today’s Date
To: Paralegal
From: Roy Saunders
Re: Closing Argument

I am considering using a slide show during the closing argument that will impact the jury, since I believe a picture is worth a thousand words. After reviewing the images, photographs, and other exhibits contained in the NSTB Report, prepare for me a PowerPoint presentation using specific images from the NSTB Report and add persuasive language to convince the jury to rule in favor of the plaintiffs.The slide show should have between 10 and 15 slides.
The NTSB Report: https://kapextmediassl-a.akamaihd.net/legal/PA110/PA110_2002A/NTSB_Report.pdf

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