University of Nairobi Differences and Associations Among Gender & Sex Discussion Content Type

Question Description

I’m working on a psychology question and need support to help me study.


  1. What are the differences and associations among gender, sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation?
  2. Are the gender differences that exist innate (biological) differences or are they caused by other variables?
  3. Discuss the theories relating to the development of gender roles and gender stereotypes. Which theory do you support? Why?
  4. Using what you’ve read in this module: a. Why do you think gender stereotypes are so inflated compared with actual gender differences? b. Why do you think people continue to believe in such strong gender differences despite evidence to the contrary?
  5. Brainstorm additional forms of gender discrimination aside from sexual harassment. Have you seen or experienced gender discrimination personally?
  6. How is benevolent sexism detrimental to women, despite appearing positive?

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