University of North Texas Experiences to Sociological Forces Discussion




1. Key Concepts and Empirical Findings: In 4-6 sentences, describe empirical findings. What is already known about this topic? This part requires a bit of research. For example, this segment might begin with a statement such as, “In the U.S., approximately half of all children will witness the divorce of their parents, and another 50% will see a parent divorce a second time in a subsequent remarriage ( (Links to an external site.)). Drawing from current research, these children may experience…” [Do not copy those statements. It’s just an example.] Next, discuss THREE ways children are impacted. You could discuss multiple social and socioemotional impacts. You could discuss variations by age at time of divorce, gender, or sibling status/birth order. You could discuss cultural considerations and variations. You might even discuss any ways in which the effects might be positive in certain contexts. So on. Since you are using existing sources on the internet (primary or secondary)–i.e. you did not collect the data yourself–you must provide sources for each in order to receive any credit! (20 points)

2. Linking Individual Experiences to Sociological Forces: In 3-6 sentences, explain the complex link between individual experiences and broader institutional forces. For example, community access to social support networks and resources, social stratification, discrimination, social stigma, and many other dimensions discussed throughout the semester can impact the child’s individual experience of/after parental divorce. Select ONE area to discuss in detail. Just be sure you are discussing how a social element could impact the child’s experience. (10 points)

3. Social Responsibility: In 3-6 sentences, briefly discuss an organization working with families and children of divorce that aims to reduce negative impacts and promote healthy individuals, families, or societies. Include the name of the organization, the link to the organization’s website, and the specific resources they offer to families and children. -OR- Suggest ways to make social improvements, specific to the population or area of interest, with practical, concrete details. You must BE SPECIFIC for any credit. You will not get credit for simply stating, for example, that “they need more social support.” Instead, you must describe what this “social support” would look like, entail, etc. (5 points)


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