University of Winnipeg Entrepreneurship Environmental Justice Philosophy Questions
University of Winnipeg Entrepreneurship Environmental Justice Philosophy Questions
Entrepreneurship Environmental Justice Philosophy
You must answer the following:
1) With reference to any of TWO of the following,
use concepts/arguments from any article/presentation covered in the course to critically analyze THREE aspects of/arguments raised within the two videos you choose. To be clear, you should therefore be raising a total of six aspects of/arguments raised (implicitly or explicitly) within the two videos you choose (three for each video). Critical analysis entails connecting concepts clearly to aspects of the documentary/video and raising objections, counter-objections, and attempts at responses to issues/arguments raised by the anticipated counter-objections.
Answer one of the following:
2a) With reference to “Can the Supply of Natural Resources Really Be Infinite? Yes!,” (i) reformulate the piece into premises and a conclusion. (ii) Elaborate two counter-objections not anticipated/mentioned/covered in the piece itself. (iii) Anticipate two counter-objections to each of the counter-objections you raise in (ii) and, (iv), attempt to then defend the counter-objections raised in (ii) from objections raised in (iii) without merely restating the arguments of (ii) or arguments from the piece itself.
2b) With reference to “Why Put a Value on Biodiversity?,” (i) reformulate the piece into premises and a conclusion. (ii) Elaborate two counter-objections not anticipated/mentioned/covered in the piece itself. (iii) Anticipate two counter-objections to each of the counter-objections you raise in (ii) and, (iv), attempt to then defend the counter-objections raised in (ii) from objections raised in (iii) without merely restating the arguments of (ii) or arguments from the piece itself.
2c) With reference to “The Concept of ‘Sustainability’,” (i) reformulate the piece into premises and a conclusion. (ii) Elaborate two counter-objections not anticipated/mentioned/covered in the piece itself. (iii) Anticipate two counter-objections to each of the counter-objections you raise in (ii) and, (iv), attempt to then defend the counter-objections raised in (ii) from objections raised in (iii) without merely restating the arguments of (ii) or arguments from the piece itself.
2d) With reference to “Sustainability and Sense of Place,” (i) reformulate the piece into premises and a conclusion. (ii) Elaborate two counter-objections not anticipated/mentioned/covered in the piece itself. (iii) Anticipate two counter-objections to each of the counter-objections you raise in (ii) and, (iv), attempt to then defend the counter-objections raised in (ii) from objections raised in (iii) without merely restating the arguments of (ii) or arguments from the piece itself.
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