Using Solver student version Compute the two-period and four-period moving average, economics homework help

Using Solver student version 

Refer to the following data set representing the selling price of three-month-old calves at a livestock auction during the past 22 weeks. 

Week Price Week Price 

1 $176 12 $172 

2 $172 13 $174 

3 $174 14 $177 

4 $177 15 $180 

5 $173 16 $178 

6 $171 17 $176 

7 $172 18 $179 

8 $173 19 $175 

9 $174 20 $176 

10 $173 21 $174 

11 $171 22 $175 

Compute the two-period and four-period moving average predictions for the data set. 

a. Prepare a line graph comparing the moving average predictions against the original data. 

b. Compute the MSE for each of the two moving averages. Which appears to provide the best fit for this data set? 

c. Compute forecasts for the next two weeks using the two-period and four-period moving average techniques.

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