Vera Bradley Case Entrepreneurial Process Review

Review the Vera Bradley Case Study at the end of Chapter 2.

Compose a minimum of 1,400 words in which you discuss the Vera Bradley Case Study.

  • Examine what resources were critical to getting the company off the ground.
  • Elaborate on what conclusions you can draw about the market research and the level of analysis and planning employed by Barb and Pat.
  • Explain your opinion of the company’s sales and distribution strategy, and its production strategy. Identify feasible alternatives to these, given Vera Bradley’s resources.
  • Explain your opinion of Vera Bradley’s initial focus on middle-aged and older women and whether this decision will lock it out of expansion to a younger demographic market.
  • Discuss your opinion of whether Barb and Pat’s focus on company culture is advisable during this early stage of company development and growth. Examine what would happen to the sustainability of that culture if and when the company experiences major growth.

Cite a minimum of 1 peer reviewed reference from the University of Phoenix Library and a minimum of 1 reference from Chapter 2 of Entrepreneurship.

Format assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


Individual Assignment: Vera Bradley Case Entrepreneurial Process Review


Purpose of Assignment


In this assignment, students will examine the Vera Bradley case and apply their understanding of the entrepreneurial process by answering common questions that entrepreneurs are expected to know. In doing so, students apply critical thinking skills that will help them gain insight into the practical side of the entrepreneurial process.


Resources Required


Refer to Ch.2 of Entrepreneurship, 3rd edition, The Vera Bradley case, page 69.






Grading Guide






Partially Met Not Met


All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way.


  1. Student listed resources critical to getting the Vera Bradley company off the ground.


  1. Student shared their conclusions about the market research and the level of analysis and planning employed by Barb and Pat.


  1. Student shared their opinion of the company’s sales and distribution strategy, its production strategy, and identified feasible alternatives to Vera Bradley’s.


  1. Student shared their opinion of Vera Bradley’s initial focus on middle-aged and older women, and if their decision will lock it out of expansion to a younger demographic market.


  1. Student shared their opinion of Barb and Pat’s focus on company culture, whether it is advisable during this early stage of company development and growth, what would happen to the sustainability of that culture if and when the company experiences major growth.


The student offered additional insights beyond the scope of the textbook.        
The paper is 1,400words in length.        
    Total Available Total Earned  
    6 #/X  
Writing Guidelines




Partially Met Not Met


The paper — including tables and graphs, headings, a title page, and a reference page — is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements.        
The paper includes properly cited intellectual property using APA style in-text citations and a reference page.        
The paper includes paragraph and sentence transitions that are logical and maintain flow throughout the paper.        
The paper includes sentences that are complete, clear, and concise.        
The paper follows proper rules of grammar and usage including spelling and punctuation.        
    Total Available Total Earned  
    3 #/X  
Assignment Total # 9 #/X  
Additional comments:






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