Virtual Conference

**Register for Webinar: AFT’s 2021 Share My Lesson Virtual Conference (approx. 10min) PD will be during 3/24-3/25, if we are still working from home during these days, your assignment will be to attend the FREE Virtual Conference. – Email me confirming you have signed up **A1: Vision Board (Reflection) (approx. 1hr) Check out this helpful website: Click Here Please email me your response for (blue text): FEEL the feelings What is your WHY? (Your family, freedom, helping others, peacefulness, health/wellness, comfort?) What motivates you to take steps toward making your dreams a reality? What motivates you to be your best? Also, what will you feel when you reach your goals? Will you feel proud, ecstatic, blissful, peaceful, calm, overjoyed, warm, confident? … Do you have a word, phrase, or theme for the year? What do you need to do FOR yourself to reach your goals or make these dreams a reality? Do you need to put yourself first? Practice self care daily? Be kinder to yourself? **A2: Article: SEL in the Classroom (approx. 1 hr) 1. What are the five key skills of SEL? 2. What are the ways we can implement SEL? 3. List some effects of teaching SEL in the classroom. **A3 Webinar: Enhancing SEL Through Physical Activity (approx. 1.5 hr) 1. What are the benefits of SEL through physical activity? 2. What is the whole child approach? 3. What are the five core competencies of social-emotional learning and why are they important for young students? 4. Which activities from the webinar would you like to use with our students in our program? Briefly state the name, which core competency it relates to, and which age group you would use the activity with, and why. 5. Pick one activity from the question above and tailor it for the older children in our classroom. How would that look like (similarities, differences, etc.)

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