Vision Statements in Strategic Planning

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Vision Statements in Strategic Planning

Vision Statements in Strategic Planning


Review the mission and vision statements provided:

  1. Mission: To improve health by providing high-quality care.
    Vision: Provide the highest level of service in the county.
  2. Mission: To improve health by providing high-quality care.
    Vision: Provide the broadest range of services in the county.
  3. Mission: To be deeply committed to the communities we serve, we enhance population health and well-being.
    Vision: Deliver an exceptional experience with every encounter.

Select the most appropriate mission and vision statement for the hospital described in your Week One assignment.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word executive summary that includes the following:

  • Identify the mission and vision selected.
  • Explain the rationale for why you selected the mission and vision statements.
    • Identify the specific strengths of the mission and vision statement selected.
    • Identify the weaknesses of the mission and vision statements not selected.
    • Explain how the mission and vision drive the strategic plan for the health care organization.

Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper

Review the mission and vision statements provided:

  1. Mission: To improve health by providing high-quality care.
    Vision: Provide the highest level of service in the county.
  2. Mission: To improve health by providing high-quality care.
    Vision: Provide the broadest range of services in the county.
  3. Mission: To be deeply committed to the communities we serve, we enhance population health and well-being.
    Vision: Deliver an exceptional experience with every encounter.

Select the most appropriate mission and vision statement for the hospital described in your Week One assignment.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word executive summary that includes the following:

  • Identify the mission and vision selected.
  • Explain the rationale for why you selected the mission and vision statements.
    • Identify the specific strengths of the mission and vision statement selected.
    • Identify the weaknesses of the mission and vision statements not selected.
    • Explain how the mission and vision drive the strategic plan for the health care organization.
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