Week 2 Content Pnrs and Phil

Learning Resources

Required Resources Online Reading: Week 2 Online Reading (PDF)  
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Web Site: John Locke, Some Thoughts Concerning Education, 1693
Read Sections 148– 154. (Click on “Next” to continue reading from #150 to #151.)

Optional Resources John Locke

Web Site: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

Web Site: Second Treatise of Civil Government, 1690

Horace Mann

Web Site: Horace Mann Reports to the Massachusetts Board of Education, 1840
From Third Annual Report of the Board of Education Together with the Third Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board. Boston: Dutton and Wentworth, State Printers, 1840, p. 35, 93– 100.

Jane Addams

Web Site: Twenty Years at Hull-House
From the Build-A-Book Initiative, A Celebration of Women Writers, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912

Web Site: Jane Addams Hull-House Museum

Paulo Freire

Web Site: Chapter 1 of Pedagogy of the Oppressed
New York: Continuum Books, 1993

Web Site: Chapter 2 of Pedagogy of the Oppressed
New York: Continuum Books, 1993

Content Review

Directions: Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between 2– 3 paragraphs in length.

Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to all three questions in one Word document.

Copy and paste each question within the document, so that your Instructor can see which question you are responding to. In his book Some Thoughts Concerning Education, John Locke suggested ways that reading might be introduced to young children. In Section 150 of the book, Locke wrote, “Contrivances might be made to teach children to read, whilst they thought they were only playing.” Explain what Locke meant by this, basing your thinking on examples from the reading. Then, discuss whether you agree disagree with Locke and why.

Jane Addams “foresaw a compassionate, interdependent world revolving around the principles of social justice, fairness, tolerance, respect, equal opportunity, civic responsibility and hope for every individual, family and community” (http://www.uic.edu/jaddams/hull/_learn/_abouthullhouse/abouthullhouse.html). To that end, she founded Hull House in 1889, where she instituted numerous innovative educational opportunities for people living in poverty. Describe two of these innovations that you believe have had the greatest impact on communities and/or education today, and explain why.

This week, you learned about Paulo Freire’s thoughts on oppressive educational attitudes and practices. In your own words, analyze Freire’s philosophy with regard to how education can liberate the oppressed.

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