Week 3 Assignment Rough Draft

Literary Work is:  Interpreter of Maladies (Jhumpa Lahiri, 1999)

This will be a two and half page draft (excluding the title and reference page, but those pages should be included in this assignment)

I chose prompt #1 Interpreter of Maladies

Restate your working thesis after the prompt that you chose

Develop your working thesis based on the feedback you received.  Again, the thesis should offer a debatable claim in response to one of the prompts on the list.

Analyze the literary work from the approved list of prompts chosen in Week one that pertained to your selected topic and include the three key ideas developed in the Week One Proposal..(Guiding Questions that she had in week one:  How does a new outsider community member like Mrs. Das influence Mr. Kapsi, who seems to have become bored with his life and his role in the community?

How does Mr. Kapsi’s desire for Mrs. Das make him unable to understand Mrs. Das’ desires, leading to his failure to fulfill his role as the interpreter of Maladies?

How do the Das family’s actions surrounding their children show that their desires or interests do not accord with their obligations?

Focus on one primary text.

Include references from at least two secondary sources identified on your week two annotated bibliography.  More sources are not necessarily better.

Avoid any use of the first person.

Do not summarize the plot.

Please follow all instructions please don’t answer all questions she wants you to focus on one.

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