Week 4 Quiz Business Law
Question 11 pts
A partnership generally is required to
Question 21 pts
Danette takes her coat into Quik Clean Dry Cleaners and leaves it there to be picked up in one hour. Quik loses her coat, so Danette sues Quik. In this instance,
Question 41 pts
Brian is the 99% shareholder, president, and director of Arapine Corp. He frequently uses the corporation credit card for his personal expenses. If Arapine is insolvent and unable to pay its debts, and the corporation’s creditors sue Brian personally, what is the likely result?
Question 51 pts
Cary, Dean, and Madeline are partners in a furniture store. Madeline wants to buy some antiques from an upcoming estate sale. Dean thinks it’s a good idea, but Cary says it is too pricey. Madeline goes ahead and buys the antiques. Which of the following best describes the situation?
Question 61 pts
Laura gives her neighbor Jack the right to use Laura’s driveway to access his garage, since it is easier than going around by the alley. This is an example of:
Question 71 pts
Which of the following business organizations takes the fewest formalities to form?
Question 81 pts
Cary, Dean, and Madeline are partners in a furniture store. While on his way to deliver some furniture to a customer, Cary accidentally runs over Pamela Pedestrian. Pamela sues the partnership. Which of the following is true?
Question 91 pts
If you find a diamond bracelet on the public sidewalk, you are most likely to be able to keep the bracelet if it is:
Question 101 pts
Which of the following has NOT been a criticism of the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission?
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