Week 5 and 6 Assignment: HP609 Health Policy, Politics, and Perspectives

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Week 5 and 6 Assignment: HP609 Health Policy, Politics, and Perspectives

HP609 Health Policy, Politics, and Perspectives

Week 5 Assignment  

Annotated Bibliography


For this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography on social determinants.

Select five articles you wish to annotate. Make certain to select different types of disparities, such as race, gender, SES, age, language, liability status, etc.

Upload your document to this assignment when complete.

For more information about the elements of an Annotated Bibliography.


HP609 Health Policy, Politics, and Perspectives

Week 6 Assignment  

Field Experience Log

Guidelines for the Field Experience Requirement

You must “attend” at least 4 policy events, at least approximately 1 hour in length. Attendance of at least one of these events must be in-person.

Up to 3 of the 4 events may be online and they must have a health policy focus. Online health policy events/ webinars will be posted from which you may choose. In addition, you may identify your own online policy events, but please check with your instructor to make sure the events you choose are eligible for field hours.

The in-person event should cover policy discussion and present different perspectives. An example of an in-person event would be attendance at a local board of health meeting, a local school-board meeting, a legislative hearing or meeting, a meeting by an executive branch agency that falls under your governor, a meeting by advocacy organization or special interest group, or a meetings of a political party, political group, or candidate.

General Guidelines

At each event, take notes, and then write up an account and analysis of each event, using the template for field experience logs (below), and the Field Experience Rubric posted on Moodle.

You are required to complete and post a field event report assignment every other week, in Weeks 02, 04, 06, and 08.

Field Log Guidelines

As a way of demonstrating completion of this course requirement, you must submit, in writing, field logs that detail certain aspects of the event. The template for field experience logs is below.

Each event log should be three to five double-spaced pages of text.

Provide only a brief summary of the event itself.

The analysis section should be 550 to 800 words, and be the most developed component of the report. In the analysis section, you can write about the process of policy being made at this event, and/or you can write about the actual health policy issue being discussed/considered.

Your analysis should reference at least two sources. They can be from the learning materials in this course or other sources, but should be current (within the last 3 months).

Use APA format for citations and references.

Examples of logs are posted on Moodle.

Template for Field Experience Logs

The name of the event/meeting and who has sponsored it.

Describe the steps taken in preparation for the event (beyond listening or attending the event).

Place, date, time, and length of hearing/meeting/event.

Topic under discussion.

Names of participants and their titles (to the extent you can get them).

Brief description of the testimony/meeting/event. (If more than one issue is presented, discuss a sampling of issues.)

Analysis of the health policy issue and its implications for healthcare. Integrate course content and readings in your analysis. This section should be approximately 500 to 750 words.


HP609 Health Policy, Politics, and Perspectives

Week 7 Assignment 1

Policy Changes Related to Pharmaceuticals: Coverage and Pricing


Write a three-page paper that recommends three policy changes to support proper access to medications for all consumers, fair pricing, and reasonable regulation of new drugs coming to market.

Use current references from within the past six months for each policy.


HP609 Health Policy, Politics, and Perspectives

Week 7 Assignment 2

Video Testimony for Medicare-for-All

InstructionsFor this assignment, you will complete a video of your testimony regarding the Medicare-for-All proposal that you feel is the best policy approach to behavioral health in terms of benefits, coverage, and consumer cost sharing. If you think that none of the current Medicare-for-All proposals are the best alternative and wish to oppose a particular bill in favor of the ACA or a public option, that is acceptable.

To Create Your Video:

Your video should be 2.5 to 3 minutes in length.

Use the Zoom Tutorial to create your video using Zoom. Choose the tutorial located in the orientation for the program that you are enrolled in: MHA, Nursing, or MPH.

When your video is complete, use the YouTube Instructions to create an unlisted video URL. Choose the tutorial located in the orientation for the program that you are enrolled in: MHA, Nursing, or MPH.

Post the video YouTube URL to this assignment and include a written script of your video. The references can be on the script.

Guidelines for Written Testimony

(three to five pages long, double spaced, 12 inch font Times New Roman)

Introduce yourself!

Include your full name, and the name of the organization you are representing. Assuming you are testifying on a health care issue, say you are an RN, or a student nurse, a health administration student, and/or state what you do professionally, if applicable. You may have some other expertise worth sharing personal or professional. – if you are the parent of a disabled child testifying on disability legislation, say so.

What does the legislation do, what is your opinion and why, and what are you recommending legislators do?

At the beginning of your testimony, state clearly what the legislation does and your position on it. Are you there to speak for it, or against it, or recommend some changes? Do not assume the committee members are familiar with the legislation, so a brief explanation of what the legislation does is needed.

What is the rationale for your position? For example, why the legislation is needed, or not needed, or why it should be changed and how? In this section, you should provide supporting information for your position, including evidence, statistics, and make other cogent arguments. This should not be just about your opinion or your emotional reaction to a policy issue. You need to back up your position with facts and supporting evidence. What are its implications for improving health care? Use APA citations and references. Watch the sources you are citing – use credible sources!

Make recommendations to legislators on how you want legislators to act in relation to the legislation – oppose or support it; make changes in it, or proceed with caution because of certain concerns with it that you have raised with them.

Thank you!

Thank members of the legislative committee for listening to you and let them know that you can be contacted for more information (your contact information should be at the end of your written testimony).

Guidelines for Oral Testimony

Introduce yourself and the organization you are representing.

Do not read your written testimony – make a few notes to refer to, if needed.

Summarize your testimony in two to three minutes.

Look at the committee members and speak loudly and clearly.

Thank the committee members and ask if they have any questions.

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