Western Connecticut State University Embodiment Journals on Specific Readings Paper
You should refer to specific BOOK / academic readings that have affected you or challenged your thinking. You may also want to look for places where you have experienced your ‘learning edge’ and / or any ‘triggers’ – topics, issues, words, phrases that stimulate a strong emotional response from you (pain, anger, shame..etc) and explore why you have reacted / felt as you have and what these feelings mean in relation to you / the class topic. Choose IMAGES / do DRAWINGS and explore EMBODIMENT and LINK THEM TO THE READING. Be clear what you do / what you experience / how you feel- document with a photo or drawing and link to readings – do this for the rest of your entries
will send you the readings needed to do the embodiment journals Before you do your first entry you are invited to write a dedication – dedicate your journal to someone who / something that has / does / will inspire you to seek your authentic self and to put your best effort into your own learning. In addition, it is recommended that you write yourself a personal contract that you sign agreeing to write in your journal at least once a week over the semester and to always seek truth, as you see it and as it develops and changes for you. This journal is yours / about you / your journey – my role is to mentor you along the way…
In order for you to assess your own learning it is important that you identify and list your top learning goals in relation to the topic of the class. These goals may be specific to the course content (“I want to know more about sustainability so I can…etc” ) or they may be more general in relation to liberal arts education (“I want to improve my critical thinking”). The more specific you make them the easier it will be for you to decide at the end of the semester that you have or haven’t reached your goals. These goals are yours and are for you to attain with my help. You will need to refer back to them at the end of the course when you do your final self-evaluation so keep them in mind throughout the semester. If you don’t have any learning then maybe make one of your goals to identify a learning goal! YOU CAN TYPE IT OUT JUST USE DIFFERENT FONTS AND BE CREATIVE
2 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/feb/1…
3 https://www.salon.com/2015/06/12/toxic_masculinity… This is a great article just for reference I idenify as a male
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