what do you think the Deontology view would be on euthanasia? What.

what do you think the Deontology view would be on euthanasia? What.

what do you think the Deontology view would be on euthanasia? What.

what do you think the Deontology view would be on euthanasia? What principles are involved here?

what do you think the Deontology view would be on abortion? What principles are involved here?

what do you think the Deontology view would be on capital punishment? What principles are involved here?

what do you think the Utilitarianism view would be on euthanasia? What principles are involved here?

what do you think the Utilitarianism view would be on abortion? What principles are involved here?

1. Does Communism really “work?” 2. Is the problem with Communism (and Marx’s ideas) just that they have not been tried successfully yet, or that they will never work? 3. Do you agree with Marx that the most essential need of people is the sustenance of their material life?

what do you think the Utilitarianism view would be on capital punishment? What principles are involved here?

In our lecture, we read “When one society destroys or conquers another, the universal reason shifts to another group and continues to work itself out. The conqueror becomes the agent of this universal reason.” 1. Is this the same as “might makes right?” 2. Do you think that this justifies war? 3. Is the conqueror always right?

In the lecture, we read that “History has been striving throughout time towards the realization of a perfect state, a state in which each member so blends himself with the whole that the will of the whole is his will.” 1. Would you want to live in this kind of state? Why or why not? 2. Has this kind of thinking been attempted by rulers before? 3. What does this kind of thinking presuppose about mankind in general?

Our lecture says that, “It is only within the context of the world that something can BE a hammer.” 1. What do you think this statement reveals about the way Heidegger and some existentialists view the world? 2. Would Heidegger say that a hammer hanging on a shelf in a hardware store is the same as a hammer that is being used? 3. What would Heidegger say is the REAL reason why we get mad when a hammer we are using breaks?

Existentialist philosophers all have a problem with the existence of other people or the principle of the “other.” 1. Why do you think this is? 2. Can you think of some examples in your life that prove this statement? 3. Is this statement meant to justify isolation, violence or neglect toward others? Why or why not?

Our lecture states that, “Anxiety is necessary as it makes us live authentically.” 1. What do you think this means? 2. Can you think of some examples in your life that prove this statement?

Why does Neitzsche think that Christianity is based on a “slave morality?”

Our lecture says that Neitzsche believes that the universe cares nothing for man and his values. Do you agree?

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