Whether You Are Making A Capital Expenditure Or Thinking Of Going Public With An IPO, You Need To Understand Capital.

This task investigates capital. Whether you are making a capital expenditure or thinking of going public with an IPO, you need to understand capital.

Research Capital

Select one of the three companies from Task 2. Apply the time value principles of money to the financial situation of the company. Discuss the results of your findings on the present and future value of the company. Provide supportive documentation and calculations. You may want to use the Time Value Money Calculator in Step 1 for this assignment.

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The Financial Statement

Learn about financial statements, how to conduct a financial analysis, and begin to forecast.

Research Companies’ Financial Reports

Often companies, in an attempt to be transparent, created a one page infographic overview of the financial report.

Have you ever made an infographic? Use the resources and tutorials at Piktochart.com to learn how.


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