White Collar Crimes Chapter Discussion




  • First Content Paragraph Paragraph
    • define white collar crimes (from the textbook)
    • identify, define, and describe one white collar crime (from the FBI web site)
    • include APA formatted citations
  • Second Content Paragraph
    • identify, define, and describe second white collar crime (from the FBI web site)
    • include APA formatted citations
  • Third Content Paragraph
    • identify, define, and describe a third white collar crime (from the FBI web site)
    • include APA formatted citations
  • APA Reference Page
    • list your references to the textbook and the FBI web site(s) that you used to provide content for your paper.

    Since this is a research paper, please do not include any personal opinion. Rather, summarize what you learn in the textbook and the FBI web site.

  • Preparation
    • Review the section in Chapter 7 of the textbook on White Collar Crimes
    • Review the FBI web site on White Collar crimes.
    • You may also want to review the APA guidelines for citations and references

    Read about the following components that are present in all good research papers:

    • Content Paragraphs (with in-text citations)
    • References
      • To the textbook
      • To the FBI web pages you use.
      • What is a Content Paragraph? Content paragraphs are the “meat” of your paper. They are approximately 5 sentences, are based on research, and contain citations to your sources. Following your outline, each paragraph has a different but related topic to discuss. In a research paper, content paragraphs are based on material from other scholarly sources; they are not based on personal opinion or experience. Content paragraphs must contain citations to show where the information is from.

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