Insight Journal – Unit 3Resources Insight Journal – Unit 3 Scoring Guide. Capella Undergraduate Writing Center – APA Citing and Referencing.

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:Competency 3: Develop a broad understanding and empathetic view of women.Explain the reasons behind the emergence of dystopian women’s literature.Explain how dystopian concepts manifest in women’s literature.Describe how women express the experience of being marginalized.Competency 7: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats.Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

In this unit, you considered the women’s voice in literature and the dystopian point of view. Based on your readings and the other activities in this unit, address the following:Describe some of the reasons for the emergence of the dystopian point of view in literature.How do you see these reasons reflected in the reading assigned this week?Do you see examples of these concepts in current literature or other art forms?

Use the Insight Journal template you submitted in Unit 2 to record your entries. Use the same document for all journal entries, adding new entries to build your journal throughout the course.Each journal entry should be about 250 words in length, which is about one page.In support of your response to the given journal topic, reflect on the unit’s readings, lecture, and video.Record ideas, feelings, special phrases, interesting ideas, people, places, or things you want to remember.Ask radical questions; agree or disagree with the unit’s material.Follow APA formatting guidelines for your journal entry.

Review the Insight Journal – Unit 3 Scoring Guide to ensure you have met all of the criteria of the assignment.

Submit your Insight Journal in the assignment area.Toggle Drawer


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