Work, Dignity and Responsibility Ethnography

For this assignment, you will be writing an ethnography of at least 1000 words and.  Your ethnography should present your findings regarding attitudes towards work, dignity and responsibility.  You should be careful to create an integrated ethnographic essay, rather than a disjointed collection of poorly related ideas.  Here is how I suggest you approach this writing project: Think about what you believe to be the most important idea to come out of your research.  This is your main topic. Be aware that writing about a particular aspect of the theme will require you to leave some topics unaddressed.  However, what is most important is that you provide an integrated ethnographic essay, rather than a collection of disjointed insights about work, dignity, or responsibility. Create an outline of your essay.  Keep in mind that this outline might change as you write, but that it is good to start with a plan in mind. Proofread carefully and thoroughly. should be written like an ethnogra[hy

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