Write C++ code to open a document with the name Hello.txt, place…

Write C++ code to open a document with the name Hello.txt, place…

Write C++ code to open a document with the name Hello.txt, place…

Write C++ code to open a document with the name Hello.txt, place the

message “Hello, World!” in the document, and exit the document.  Re open the file you closed, and read the message into a string variable. Exit out of the file.
*** must include step by step comments throughout coding and code cannot be one previously used by another student*****
Part B.
Random monoalphabet cipher.
The caeser cipher, which shifts all letters by a certain amount, is easy to decipher. Try this, instead of numbers use letters. Consider this, the word is FEATHER. Remove duplicate letters, making FEATHR, and append the rest of the letters of the alphabet in reverse order.
Now encrypt the letters as follows:
See exhibit A
Now, write a program that encrypts or decrypts a file using this cipher.
For example,
crypt –d –kFEATHER encrypt.txt output.txt
decrypts a file using the keyword FEATHER. You must always supply a keyword.
Submit a screenshot of the executed program and the code of the program.
*** must include step by step comments throughout coding and code cannot be one previously used by another student*****

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