Accounting Problems

Accounting Problems..I Need All Correct Answers

Problem 4-3


Complete a service blueprint for each of the following banking transactions. Use the service actions listed in the tables below each name of a transaction.



a. Make a savings deposit using a teller.


I Teller prints out receipt and hands to customer.   III Lunch and rest breaks are managed based on waiting lines.
II Teller checks cash or check and enters amount.   IV Cash is counted and reconciled with transactions.


  Customer actions Arrive and fill out deposit ticket. Wait in line if necessary. Hand teller cash or check and deposit ticket. Receive receipt. Leave.  
  line of information  
  Contact person(s)   Teller greets customer.        
  line of visibility  
  Backstage contacts     Account is automatically updated.      
  line of internal interaction  
  Support         Schedules are set weekly. Employees are paid.


b. Apply for a home equity loan.


I Service rep forwards application to loan committee.   III Service rep asks for necessary documents and checks to see if customer qualifies.
II Loan committee meetings are scheduled.   IV Loan committee evaluates application and makes a decision to approves or not approve loan.


  Customer actions Arrive and wait in line if necessary. Greets service rep and follows to cubicle. Tells service rep type of loan wanted.   Customer signs for loan. Customer leaves.  
  line of information  
  Contact person(s)   Service rep greets customer and leads to cubicle.   Service rep fills out necessary paperwork. Service rep indicates approval date.    
  line of visibility  
  Backstage contacts             Customer is informed of decision.
  line of internal interaction  
  Support       Forms are ordered periodically.   Loan rates are updated weekly.  

rev: 11_18_2014_QC_59452



eBook & Resources

Hint #1

WorksheetDifficulty: 2 Medium

Problem 4-3Learning Objective: 04-10 Discuss several key issues in product or service design.

eBook: Discuss several key issues in product or service design.

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Problem 4-4


Complete a service blueprint for each of the following post office transactions. Use the service actions listed in the tables below each name of a transaction.



a. Buy stamps from a machine.


I Dispense stamps.   III Replenish stamps periodically.
II Receive and record cash amount.   IV Verify cost does not exceed recorded cash amount.


  Customer actions Arrive and wait in line if necessary. Insert cash. Make a selection. Receive stamps and any change. Count change. Leave.
  line of information  
  Contact person(s)            
  line of visibility  
  Backstage contacts            
  line of internal interaction  
  Support           Periodically perform routine maintenance.


b. Buy stamps from a postal clerk.


I Clerk fills order or suggests alternative if out of requested stamps.   III Clerk greets customer.
II Clerk gives customer the stamps and collects money.   IV Clerks are paid.


  Customer actions Arrive and wait in line if necessary   Customer approaches clerk. Customer requests stamps. Customer pays for stamps. Leave.
  line of information  
  Contact person(s)   Clerk calls next in line.          
  line of visibility  
  Backstage contacts              
  line of internal interaction  
  Support     Schedules are made. Stamps are reordered as needed. Cash and stamps are reconciled.    


Problem 4-5


List the steps involved in getting gasoline into your car for full service and for self-service. Assume that paying cash is the only means of payment.



a. Self-service comprises the following order of steps.




b. Full service comprises the following order of steps.




Problem 4-6


Construct a list of steps for making a cash withdrawal from an automated teller machine (ATM). Assume that the process begins at the ATM with your bank card in hand. Assume that the ATM asks for PIN number after selecting the transaction option.





10.00 points


Problem 4-7


Refer to the figure below relating to a commercial printer (customer) and the company that supplies the paper.



Picture Picture


a. What technical requirements have the highest impact on the customer requirement that the paper not tear? (You may select more than one answer. Click the box with a check mark for the correct answer and click to empty the box for the wrong answer.)
  Paper width
  Paper thickness
  Roll roundness
  Coating thickness
  Tensile strength
  Paper color



b. The following table presents technical requirements and customer requirements for the output of a laser printer. First, decide if any of the technical requirements relate to each customer requirement. Use “√” to show the relation and “x” to indicate that there is no relation.


  Technical Requirements
  Customer Requirements Type of Paper Internal Paper Feed Print Element
  Paper doesn’t wrinkle      
  Prints clearly      
  Easy to use      




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