Assignment: APA Style Nursing Theorethical Discussion

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Assignment: APA Style Nursing Theorethical Discussion

Assignment: APA Style Nursing Theorethical Discussion

Discuss the various ways in which Florence Nightingale’s model of care can be applied in current nursing practice. Identify the most important factor of Nightingale’s theory that you utilize in your current practice.

Please make sure that your submission adheres to the following:

1.Students are to write their name and the appropriate discussion number/discussion title in the title bar for each discussion. For example Discussion 1: Micheal Cabrera or Discussion 3: Sheila Smith. This is important in identifying that students are submitting original posts as well as response posts as required.

2.Students must submit their discussions directly onto Blackboard Discussion Board. Attachments submitted as discussion board posts will not be graded.

3. All discussion posts must be minimum 250 words, references must be cited in APA format, and must include minimum of 2 scholarly resources published within the past 5-7 years.  Please be sure to cite your reference(s) in APA format, at the end of your posting

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APA style  6th edition

In 1908, Mary Agnes Snively, along with 16 representatives from organized nursing bodies, met in Ottawa to form the Canadian National Association of Trained Nurses (CNATN). By 1924, each of the nine provinces had a provincial nursing organization with membership in the CNATN. In 1924, the name of the CNATN was changed to the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA). CNA is currently a federation of 11 provincial and territorial nursing associations and colleges representing nearly 150,000 registered nurses (CNA, n.d.).

In 1944, the CNA approved the principle of collective bargaining. In 1946, the Registered Nurses Association of British Columbia became the first provincial nursing association to be certified as a bargaining agent. By the 1970s, other provincial nursing organizations gained this right. Between 1973 and 1987, nursing unions were created. Today each of the 10 provinces has a nursing union in addition to a professional association (Ontario Nurses’ Association, n.d.). One of the best known of

these professional associations is the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). Established in 1925 to advocate for health public policy, promote excellence in nursing practice, increase nursing’s contribution to shaping the healthcare system, and influence decisions that affect nurses and the public they serve, the RNAO is the professional association representing registered nurses, nurse practitioners (NPs), and nursing students in Ontario (RNAO, n.d.). Through the RNAO, nurses in Canada have led the world in systematic implementation of evidence-based practice and have made their best practice guidelines available to all nurses to promote safe and effective care of patients.

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