Assignment: Statement For MPH Porgram
Assignment: Statement For MPH Porgram
Assignment: Statement For MPH Porgram
We used these maps to contextualize our understanding of risk factors for diabetes and factors that would affect people’s food and physical activity behaviors (Mishra,et al, 2012). Data was also collected through interviews and focus groups. Approval was obtained from the UNM Human Research Protections Office prior to the conduct of the research and all participants provided signed informed consent. With the help of the Study Coordinator, who is the Director of One Hope and lives in the neighborhood, we identified and recruited six key community leaders in the ID to participate in interviews and eighteen people to participate in focus groups. Three focus groups were held in two sessions each. Interviews and focus groups were conducted at the One Hope facility. Participants received a $20 merchandise card to a local business for each interview or focus group session to remunerate them for their time. Interviews were conducted in English by an intern research assistant who took notes by hand. The interview sessions were also audio recorded. Focus groups were conducted in Spanish by the Study Coordinator with support from one of the researchers who also took notes on a laptop computer. Interviews and focus groups used questions from a semi-structured guide that was developed from a review of the literature pertaining to diabetes in Hispanic communities (e.g., Personal Diabetes Questionnaire; Stetson et al., 2011). Questions emphasized understanding people’s perceptions of the problem of diabetes, challenges to living a healthy lifestyle, and ideas for diabetes prevention. Questions were open-ended in order to allow participant input to define the direction of the questioning.
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