Assignment:History of cardiac disease.
Assignment:History of cardiac disease.
Assignment:History of cardiac disease.
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Question 47 (5 points) Question 47 Unsaved
Your client is cared for at home by his son and daughter-in-law, who are also responsible for the care of their four preschool-aged children. What is true of this “sandwich” generation?
Question 47 options:
The conflicts that arise from caring for both older adults and children can be very stressful.
The majority of middle-aged adults are faced with balancing the care of parents and children.
The average age of adults caring for parents is in the late 30s and early 40s.
The majority of caregivers affected by this “sandwich” generation are males.
Question 48 (5 points) Question 48 Unsaved
An African-American woman has taken on the responsibility of raising her grandchild. Which intervention will best address a need commonly identified in this specific population?
Question 48 options:
Providing her with a list of local afterschool children’s programs.
Suggesting she enroll in a local community center’s senior support group.
Scheduling her for a complete physical examination.
Encouraging her to walk 1 mile 3 days a week.
Question 49 (5 points) Question 49 Unsaved
The nurse interviewing an older adult for a nursing history recognizes that the client is experiencing symptomology inconsistent with normal aging of the urinary tract when the client reports: Select all that apply.
Question 49 options:
Finding it more difficult in the last few months to start voiding.
Having two bladder infections in the last 4 years.
Getting up once or twice each night to urinate.
Occasionally experiencing pain when urinating.
Needing to urinate every at least every two hours during the day.
Question 50 (5 points) Question 50 Unsaved
The nurse sits at the bedside of a comatose, terminally ill older client reading the wishes expressed in the numerous cards the client has received. Which concept of grief work is the nurse addressing with this intervention?
Question 50 options:
Everyone needs social interaction.
The nurse needs to ‘attend to the patient.’
hearing is believed to be the last sense to be lost.
The individual is living until they are dead.
Question 51
A 97-year-old patient is admitted to the medical unit with a productive cough and bilateral congestion and is reporting weakness. His vital signs are 106/78, 82, 24, and a temperature of 97 degrees F. (oral). When told that it is suspected that he has pneumonia, his granddaughter replies, “Grandpa is running a fever so it can’t be an infection.” The nurse’s response is based on the knowledge that:
Question 51 options:
The temperature needs to be taken tympanically.
In a 97-year-old, a temperature of 97 degrees F. is considered febrile.
A lack of fever cannot be used to rule out an infection in older adults.
Oral temperatures are always inaccurate in older adults.
Question 52
When assessing the intellectual abilities of an older adult, the nurse demonstrates an understanding of a major barrier to reliable testing of this population when:
Question 52 options:
Sharing with the client that the test can be scheduled at “whatever time is good for you.”
Providing the client with frequent rest periods.
Stating, “Just take your time and try to relax; there are no wrong answers to this test.”
Assuring that the area is well-lit and queit
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