PHIL 202 The Ohio State University Symbolic Logics Discussion

PHIL 202 The Ohio State University Symbolic Logics Discussion

The Ohio State University Symbolic Logics

  1. aUsing the table and symbol functions in MSWORD, solve the following proof, making sure to number and justify each line of the proof (including listing premises). If you are unsure about how to do this, please consult the “How to Create a Proof in MSWORD Tutorial.” Once you have completed the proof, upload the file as a PDF.




  1. Using the table and symbol functions in MSWORD, solve the following proof, making sure to number and justify each line of the proof (including listing premises). If you are unsure about how to do this, please consult the “How to Create a Proof in MSWORD Tutorial.” Once you have completed the proof, upload the file as a .pdf.




  1. Using the table and symbol functions in MSWORD, solve the following proof, making sure to number and justify each line of the proof (including listing premises). If you are unsure about how to do this, please consult the “How to Create a Proof in MSWORD Tutorial.” Once you have completed the proof, upload the file as a PDF.




  1. Using the table and symbol functions in MSWORD, solve the following proof, making sure to number and justify each line of the proof (including listing premises). If you are unsure about how to do this, please consult the “How to Create a Proof in MSWORD Tutorial.” Once you have completed the proof, upload the file as a PDF.




  1. Using the table and symbol functions in MSWORD, solve the following proof, making sure to number and justify each line of the proof (including listing premises). If you are unsure about how to do this, please consult the “How to Create a Proof in MSWORD Tutorial.” Once you have completed the proof, upload the file as a PDF.




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