Role Of The Appropriations Committee

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Role Of The Appropriations Committee

Role Of The Appropriations Committee

What are the responsibilities and role of the Appropriations Committee? What is the importance of this committee to public health spending as it relates to Medicaid and Medicare?

Begin with whichever theoretical framework seems to “fit,” and then practice using it as you provide nursing care. “The full realization of nursing theory–guided practice is perhaps the greatest challenge that nursing as a scholarly discipline has ever faced” (Cody, 2006, p. 119 ). Be patient; developing your nursing practice guided by nursing theory takes time and practice. All nursing theories require in-depth study over time to master them fully (this chapter provides only a brief introduction), but the incorporation of theory into your practice can transform your nursing practice. The end result of this process will be seen in the excellent nursing care that you can provide to patients over the course of your professional nursing career.


Mr. M. is a 34-year-old Caucasian male who presents to the mental health clinic with depression and complaints of fatigue. An interview reveals that his wife and both of his children were killed in a traffic accident 6 months ago. The nurse knows that Mr. M. is vulnerable as a result of the loss of his family but that self-transcendence is evoked through life events and that well-being can be enhanced by transforming losses and difficulties into healing experiences.

Case Study Questions

The House Appropriations Committee released draft funding bill for Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies for fiscal year 2022 today, which will be debated in subcommittee tomorrow. 
The bill funds the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Education’s departments and programs.


The measure allocates $253.8 billion for 2022, an increase of $55.2 billion (or 28 percent) over 2021. 
The legislation, as result of this historic increase:


Invests in job training, apprenticeship programs, and worker safety to create and sustain good-paying American jobs.


Increases opportunity through transformative education investments, including record funding for high-poverty schools and kids with disabilities, as well as significant increases for programs that promote post-secondary education access.


Increases financing for child care and development programs, Head Start, and preschool development grants to help middle-class and working families.


Increases money for the National Institutes of Health, including funding to establish the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, which will help save lives.


Increases funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as state and local governments, to improve infrastructure and capacity in the public health sector.


Addresses our country’s most pressing health issues, such as maternity health, mental health, gun violence, and opioid misuse, while also working to close chronic and unacceptable health gaps.


Increases financing for Title X-covered health services, including family planning, and repeals the discriminatory Hyde Amendment, which advances equitable treatment for women.


“Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, industrious middle-class families and persons trying to break into the middle class struggled to get the support they needed to live healthy, happy, and productive lives. 
Child care is difficult to come by. 
Students encounter significant obstacles in obtaining an inexpensive, high-quality education. 
All too often, women are unable to receive life-saving medical therapy. 
Our public health infrastructure, meanwhile, is in desperate need of an upgrade. 
“The COVID-19 pandemic compounded these already-existing issues,” stated Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03), chair of the Appropriations Committee. 
“I am glad that the funds included in the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education package will help struggling families, the vulnerable, and our country prepare for future difficulties.” 
This bill affects people at all stages of their lives, and the large budget increase will result in society that gives people with the assistance they require. 
House Democrats are ensuring that the American people and our public health system have the resources they require to allow our communities to thrive with this financing.”


Below is summary of the proposed Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies bill for fiscal year 2022. 
The draft bill’s text can be found here. 
The markup will be streamed live and accessible at
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