Service Operations Management / ONLINE Class 2 Months/ Syllabus Attached!



-The elements that unite services, that differentiate service processes from non-service processes and that differentiate various types of services from each other. Customers generally participate in the service process, often with direct and uncensored interactions with employees and facilities. The resulting variations in demand present a challenge to the operations manager to use effectively the perishable service capacity.

-This results because production and consumption occur simultaneously and thus the inability to inventory services.

-The course covers strategic and tactical issues associated with designing and managing service operations. It provides tools to help assess operations, redesign processes, and establish systems to ensure an excellent customer experience


Grade Components


Deliverable Date Due % of Grade
Quizzes                  (Total of 5 quizzes)  Bi-Weekly 18%
Individual Cases (Total of 2 cases) Upload before end of Week 4 and end of Week 6 40%
Group Case          (Total of 1 case) Upload before end of Week 8 22%
Graded Discussion Boards Weekly 20%
Total   100%


Grade Rubric for Participation in

Weekly Discussion Board



Question-response message and reply message are appropriate, coherent and logical  50%  
Question-response message is supported by outside research as needed 20%  
Proper grammar, punctuation, APA references (if applicable) 15%  
Messages are of sufficient length (250 words each or more) 15%  
Total Weight Factors 100%  


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