Unit 1 Assignment: Zappos Case Study
Unit 1 Assignment: Zappos Case Study
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For this assignment you will review the case, Zappos: Facing Competitive Challenges, and explain how training and development can help this company maintain a “best, online retailer” status. See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric.
For this assignment you will review the case, Zappos: Facing Competitive Challenges, and explain how training and development can help this company maintain a “best, online retailer” status.
After reviewing the Zappos case study (p. 52) and this week’s readings, discuss the following questions:
• How can training and development help Zappos meet the challenges of being the best online retailer?
• Do you think that employees at Zappos have high levels of engagement? Explain why or why not.
• Which of Zappos’ ten core values do you believe training and development can influence the most? The least? Why?
• Include an Introduction to the case study problem.
• All works should be written in proper APA format.
• Your paper should be 2-3 pages with additional cover and reference pages. On your cover page, include the name of the assignment, your name, date, and the course.
• Use at least two (2) references to support your work. You may use your textbook as a resource.
Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
HRM308 – Training and Development
Unit 1 Assignment: Zappos Case Study
Evaluation Rubric for Zappos Case Study Assignment
CRITERIA Deficient Development Needed Proficient
(0 – 12 Points) (13 – 17 Points) (18 – 20 Points) Introduction to the Case Study Problem
Does not provide an adequate introduction or is missing.
Introduction is presented, though may not be clear or complete.
Introduction is clearly presented and provides the reader a context for the rest of the response.
Challenges and Training and Development Solutions
Challenges are not listed, and there is no discussion about how training and development can meet the challenges.
Challenges and training and development solutions addressed, although may be missing key pieces/opportunities.
Challenges and training and development solutions are fully and appropriately addressed.
Employee Engagement
Employee engagement opinion and why is not addressed.
Employee engagement opinion is addressed but is not fully defended.
Employee engagement opinion and why is addressed and fully defended.
Ten Core Values The most and least influential core values have not been identified and defended.
The most and least influential core values have been identified but not fully defended.
The most and least influential core values have been identified and fully defended.
(0 – 6 Points) (7 – 8 Points) (9 – 10 Points) Appropriate Citations
References and citations missing or formatting does not resemble APA.
At least two (2) references and citations are present with some errors.
At least two (2) references and citations are present and near perfect.
Clear and Professional Writing and Format
Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.
Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.
Writing and format are clear, professional, and error-free.
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